Knit Together is a Women's Bible Study meeting Wednesday mornings at River city Church, Jacksonville, Florida. Currently we are studying the book of Ephesians. The class is taught by Kathi Vodenicker. We offer a childcare coop where we can all share in the gift of caring for others' children. We welcome you to come!

Wednesday, October 5, 2011

Third Meeting

October 5, 2011

I just love getting to come be with a group of women who #1 don’t already all know each other (no cliques, no hard to get into corners) and #2 started from scratch, is a fabulous mixed bunch of single women, young moms (OK, so you are the majority!!) and some of us are … well, almost empty nesters… and some are empty nesters.  I love the mix!!

Three people won prizes today!  I asked who knew the name of the book featured on the blog and BONNIE VERLANDER won!  Bonnie, Tessa the author is a friend of mine and her next book comes out in the Spring called Harvest of Rubies.  She has the most amazing testimony, coming out of the Muslim faith, she met Jesus in a dream, became a Christian, went to Harvard Divinity School and is now on staff at a church in Connecticutt.  The next prize winning question was who can show us something out of their purses that will give us the “What do you have that in your purse for?” response.  Caitlyn Lee had a cardboard message from (maybe) a neighbor telling her to regard the Sabbath.  OK, that is a very strange thing to carry around in your purse! And Stacy Chupp was carrying a pair of ballet tights.  Yes, we wonder why you wanted to let us know that!  What I don’t want to ask Stacy is if they were clean or not.  So I won’t!   Stacy and Caitlyn got to pick a present out of the gift bag and Bonnie won a copy of Tessa’s book.  Stacy and Caitlyn, we celebrate that you are bold enough to show us something inside of your purses, sometimes a very “off limits” place for women to share!  We celebrate that God is a grace giver and that “going with the flow” of letting our purse be a gathering place, storage place and a “hand over whatever” place has happened! As we give grace to those handing over these things, we are becoming a safe place not only for their “things” but also their hearts.   

Childcare workers Barbara the Wonderful, Aimee Franklin the Fabulous, Ann Riley the Sweetheart and Anndrea Foster the Fantastic!!  Bless you so much for looking after the sweet little ones.  And Moms, thanks for continuing to bring your little ones!  We are asking the worker bees to pray for them as well as play with them!!!

Gosh, what a treat to be with such a group of generous women!  Today we were concerned that we wouldn’t have enough people signed up for childcare, so we asked for “just in case” volunteers.  Thank you for giving us the grace and comfort of knowing we could call on you Grace Yu (great name!), Caitlyn Lee, Aimee Breeding and Gretchen Mitchell!! 

Thank you Jodi and Hank for keeping us caffeinated and for teaching me my first barista tips at the new coffee bar!! Thank you Kathi Vod for a great lesson and thanks for your vulnerability in sharing that you decided that a little “BEING” while you were sick was better than a lot of “DOING” even in preparing for this lesson!!  Mary Chupp, thanks for your sweet smiling face and keeping us on the clock and prayed up!! Glad to have the RPDS Moms back!!  Great to see all the faces!!  I so enjoyed that we had two sweet babies join our class!! 

Has everyone yet emailed Kathi Vod to tell her WHY YOU CAME TO KNIT TOGETHER? ??  Some of us wrote this down during class, but if more come, perhaps Kathi will do a dance.  That's why I joined Knit Together.  I want to see Kathi Vod dance!  Does anyone want to add something to the blog collection like a quote of the week or a laundry or cooking tip?  Want to create a new “… of the week” section?  If so email or just plain comment!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Emilie’s review will be in the following post, so if you missed, please read it and be reminded that we are resurrected in Christ and this means that if we are not yet feeling alive in Christ, we might want to be asking directions on how to get there!!  (Kathi Vod called it a place named Ressurection County).

Workbooks are on sale in the foyer at church for $8. 
Please sign up for childcare if you haven’t yet, as we are exploding (yahoo!!!!) with kids in childcare!!

Seriously?  Noone signed up for any prayer requests this week.  Do you seriously have nothing to pray about?  C’mom women, is everyone that well? Email me if you’d like.  I’m actually going to Denver and will be a prayer minister at a conference, so add your requests!!!

I saw this on facebook and thought, hmmm, it goes with believing we are who God says we are!
It is not who you are that holds you back, it is who you think you are not!!
COOKING TIP OF THE WEEKWhatever you choose, make it into a picnic and eat in the back or front yard!!  And use paper products so there is not much to clean up!!

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