Knit Together is a Women's Bible Study meeting Wednesday mornings at River city Church, Jacksonville, Florida. Currently we are studying the book of Ephesians. The class is taught by Kathi Vodenicker. We offer a childcare coop where we can all share in the gift of caring for others' children. We welcome you to come!

Saturday, September 24, 2011

Emilie Gate's Review

From: Emilie Gate
Date: September 21, 2011 6:15:58 PM EDT
To: Knit Together
Subject: Women's Bible Study Week 1

Women's Bible Study Week 1

Acts 18v24

Ephesians , church of Ephesus

Recommended Book:
'Practice resurrection' - by Eugene Peterson

Paul didn't write the letter because the church was going through problems. But to give a deeper sense of calling of Who we are in Christ and what church can be like!
The Bible fits together! First 2 ch of Luke and you see Jesus ministering to the poor and the marginalized. Act 2 was the birth of the church caused by the Holy Spirit. That vulnerability doing extraordinary things.

Eph 4 v 1

There is a balance in our lives between calling and walking. When I say calling not 'to be an artist or dr' but that God is calling us into relationship with him. To learn information about God but that God's voice is calling us. Moses is an example. He was called into a relationship, which led people who were  in bondage into freedom. That balance of calling and freedom. Calling and walking it out go together.

If part of our relationship is just doing there must be more to be able to walk it out with one another.

God does desire for us to live this out together. That we do have sweet moments when we have moments on our own at home. There is something powerful when women walk out our faith together. We're inviting other women into the calling. We're inviting other people into the conversation together. He desires us to encourage one another to support each other.

Paul talks about the church as if it's a body that's been given to us. When in church we are a part of one body. Where we don't choose who we are with.

Eph 4:16

We are knit together - that is something bigger to us. Where we can grow together!

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